What is OPD cover in health insurance?
OPD cover in health insurance means a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for OPD. OPD health policy covers both, whether a person is hospitalized due to some illness or he visits a doctor for any illness that does not require hospitalization. Some insurance companies have special OPD plans.
What is the OPD Cover?
OPD or Out Patient Department cover is a new feature offered as a part of the health insurance policies from insurance providers. OPD coverage helps the insured to get a claim for doctor’s consultation fees, health check-ups, pharmacy bills, dental treatment, diagnostic tests and other expenses that otherwise create financial instability.
What is OPD Treatment?
OPD Treatment means the one in which you visit a clinic/hospital or associated facility like a consultation room for diagnosis and treatment based on the advice of a Medical Practitioner. You do not have to be admitted as day care or in-patient.
What is OPD Cover in Health Insurance?
OPD cover takes care of various day care procedures expenses such as medical bills, diagnostic tests, ambulance charges, health check-ups, dental treatments, etc., without having to get admitted to a hospital.
What is not included under OPD Cover?
This cover excludes expenses incurred towards Spectacles, Contact Lenses and Physiotherapy, Cosmetic Procedures, Ambulatory Devices like Walkers, BP Monitors, Glucometers, Thermometers, Dietician Fees, Vitamins and Supplements.
What Is OPD Limit?
The OPD limit is usually part of the sum insured in your health policy. If you make any reimbursement for OPD visits, it is deducted from the overall sum insured. But some insurance companies have special plans that cover OPD visits.
Benefits of buying health insurance with OPD Cover?
- Less price as compared to inmate hospitalization.
- Access to a wide range of clinics/doctor’s/medicines.
- Ideal for accidental related emergencies/Ambulance-on-call.
What is OPD in a Hospital?
The Outpatient Department in a hospital refers to the general section where patients visit for doctor’s consultation. Under an OPD, you are not required to get hospitalized.
What is OPD Care?
The healthcare services obtained in the OPD is known as OPD care.
Can I buy an OPD insurance cover?
Yes, you can buy OPD insurance cover along with a current health plan or as a separate health product.